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Bete Giorgis, one of the 11 monolithic rock-hewn churches of Lalibela, has go green as part of Ireland’s Green Global Project.The project that aimed at promoting the church across the globe was officially launched on March 17/2019. Deputy Head of Mission at the Irish Embassy Patrick McManus said “it is a great honor for me to be here at the world’s famous site of Bete Giorgis here in Lalibela.”
Prime Minister Leo Eric Varadkar and Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed had signed MoU on cultural exchange back in January, he said, adding that “my government is also determined to work more closely with the government of Ethiopia in the coming years.”
“We would actually green Bete Giorgis as part of the Green Global Project which Ireland carry’s around the world,” the Deputy Head added.Furthermore, McManus pointed out “we will take the photos and go around the world. It will be an extra demonstration of a cultural and heritage partnership between our two countries.”According to him, the relationship between the two countries, which started 25 years ago, was broad and deep in the areas of education, development, and economic cooperation.

It is recalled that the project similarly promoted the obelisks of Axum, the statue of the Lion of Judah near the National Theater, and Ethiopian Airlines with the Green Light Technology to the entire world.Cultural Advisor at the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Gebriel Asfaw said greening the rock-hewn Churches of Lalibela is aimed at attracting more tourists.
He appreciated Irish support to promote the world heritage site of Lalibel to the world with the green light.The 11 rock-hewn church of Lalibela is one of the heritages of Ethiopia that inscribed by UNESCO.


The World Bank says it will spend $22.5bn over five years from 2021 to help Africa tackle the dangers posed by climate change.

Bank interim president Kristalina Georgieva told BBC Africa TV’s Money Daily programme that Africa remains vulnerable to the effects of climate change through prolonged drought, floods and destructive storms.

“Unless we make Africa more resilient, we will see by 2030, 100 million people more falling into poverty rather than being pulled out of poverty,” she said.

Ms Georgieva said the World Bank had also stepped up its efforts to mobilize investments in renewable energy such as solar, which contributes just 1.5% of the continent’s electricity needs.

The World Bank’s commitment comes ahead of the One Planet Summit that opens in Kenya’s capital, Nairobi, today.

It is co-hosted by French President Emmanuel Macron and Kenya’s Uhuru Kenyatta and brings governments, private sector and civil society groups together to address environmental challenges.

Africa contributes only 4% to global CO2 emissions but bears some of the most severe consequences of global warming, according to BBC.

 Green growth is a necessity and an opportunity for Ethiopia to seize, according to Environment, Forest and Climate Change Commission.  In his opening remark to a two-day workshop that focuses on the opportunities, Wordy Hashim, Director-General of Resource Mobilization and Projects Administration at the Commission said “this is the reason why Ethiopia developed and launched Climate Resilience Green Economy (CRGE) strategy in 2011.”

A two-day workshop that focuses on opportunities in the framework of Italian environmental cooperation activities in the Horn of Africa kicked off in Addis Ababa on February 25/02019.According to Wordy, “Ethiopia has the natural resources to generate all the clean energy it needs and to decouple its economy from the fluctuating prices and unsustainable nature of the oil-based economy.”

As one of the rapidly urbanizing countries, Ethiopia has identified the essentiality of implementing effective waste management to realize its green growth strategy, he pointed out.  The director-general revealed that the government, with the aim of supporting the private sector, has been providing them with the necessary support and incentives so that they can participate in the development of the country’s energy resources, sustainable water resources development and integrated waste management.

Africa and Europe Green Growth Planning and Implementation Programs Head, Dexippos Agourides appreciated the government’s commitment to green growth and pursuing a comprehensive set of development objectives through the consecutive Growth and Transformation Plan and CRGE.Agourides said private sector plays important role in enabling green growth in developing countries like Ethiopia. “There is a need for a sound policy framework and incentive mechanisms for effective private sector engagement in supporting environment and development outcomes.”

Bruna Kohan of the Italian Ministry of Environment, Land and Sea expressed Italy’s commitment to collaborate with Ethiopia, Sudan, and Djibouti in strengthening institutional capacity.She said sustainable development, promoting renewable energy, sustainable water management, efficient weather forecast alert systems, rural development, and climate smart agriculture are the collaboration areas with the countries.

Italy has approved 11 projects for a total amount of 11 million Euros. Of those, five are in Ethiopia, 3 in Sudan and the remaining 3 in Djibouti, it was learned.More than 10 Italian companies are taking part in the workshop to explore the business opportunities, especially in renewable energy, integrated waste management, and water development.


The Addis Ababa City Roads Authority plans to complete 25 roads project and start 10 new ones this fiscal year.
The Authority has spent over three billion birr to build and maintain the city road network and facilities.
“As part of the government’s existing trend, the Authority is paying attention to completing the existing road projects on time,” Moges Tibebu the authority director general said.
Many road projects were delayed because the contractors were not qualified, problems with consultants, design defaults and court cases connected to demarcation.
The Authority is under discussion with the Supreme Court to set up speedy trial to alleviate the court cases in connection to demarcation which is the fundamental cause for the delay of most roads construction, the director adds.
The Authority spends the money for the construction and maintenance of over 400km road networks in various part of the city including traffic and street lights, pedestrian roads.
Asphalt road construction accounts for14.3 km. There are 36.9 km of gravel roads. There are 190km of cobble stone road projects, the highest share. There be 7.3 km of sidewalks built so to accommodate increasing foot traffic. The Authorities long term game plan is to modernize and upgrade the road system.
According to Moges Tibebu, the Authority’s Director General, the projects are part of the city’s three year Road Master Plan which was adopted in 2017. Hopes are this will make traffic more efficient.
Currently city road coverage is less than 20 percent which is below international standards.
“The Authority plans to finalize five road projects before the end of this fiscal year,” Moges added.


The Ethiopian Electric Utility (EEU) which is responsible for distributing power in the country is finalizing expansion of power projects for the capital city and other regional cities at a cost of over 120 million USD.
The Addis Ababa power project performance has reached 75 percent. It is expected to provide partial service next month. The project is being made possible through loans from the Chinese government at a cost 62 million USD.
The Central Addis Ababa power network project is mainly being done for the eastern part of Addis Ababa in connection with industrial expansion.
“The projects will hopefully minimize customers’ grievances in connection to power outages and access and the quality of our service,” Shiferaw Tellila, CEO of EEU said.
EEP is also expanding the power network at a cost of 62 USD in other regional cities such as Adama, Jimma. Bahir Dar, Mekele, Dessie and Hawassa.
For the first half the current fiscal year, EEU has provided new services for over 90 thousand customers to make electric power accessible and even out distribution throughout the country.
EEP is also working to automate its services for customers. A three-year project called the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) digitizes service so that problems in power distribution can easily be pinpointed.
Replacing the existing conventional system of collecting payments through banks; mobile and internet paying modes is another reform.
Recently, EEU agreed with the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia to collect bills form corporate customers. The Utility plans to collect its entire billing system via the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia after the end of this fiscal year.
Currently the utility has three million households. Fifty-eight percent of he nation is covered by electricity. The utility has collected over three billion birr during the first half of the current fiscal year.
“The introduction of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software and automation platforms will enable the utility to provide satisfactory service,” Demeke Robba, Deputy Head of automation and energy at EEU added.


በአዲስ አበባ ከመስቀል አደባባይ እስከ መገናኛ “የእግር ጉዞ በማድረግና ቆሻሻዎችን በማንሳት ወደ ሃብት እንቀይር” በሚል መሪ ሃሳብ የካቲት 16/2011 የእግር ጉዞና የፅዳት ዘመቻ ተካሄደ።የፅዳት ዘመቻው የተካሄደው የከኢንቫይሮመንታል ፎረስት ቸሪተብል ሶሳይቲ የተሰኘው የበጎ አድራጎት ድርጅት ከአዲስ አበባ ከተማ አስተዳደር የደረቅ ቆሻሻ አስተዳደር ኤጀንሲ፣ከቂርቆስ፣ቦሌና የካ ክፍለ ከተሞች ጋር በመተባበር ነው።

በዘመቻው ላይ ተሳታፊ ከነበሩት መካከል ኢዜአ ያነጋገራቸው በጉለሌ ከፍለ ከተማ ወረዳ 7 ነዋሪ ወይዘሮ ብርቱካን ሃይለማርያም እንዳሉት እርሳቸውን ጨምሮ 95 እናቶች ደረቅ ቆሻሻዎችን ወደ ብስባሽነት  መቀየር ለአትክልት ልማት እየተጠቀሙ ናቸው።ከሚሰበስቡት ቆሻሻ የሚበሰብሰውንና የማይበሰብሰውን በመለየት ለጽዳት ባለሙያዎች በማስረከብ ቆሻሻ በአግባቡ የመሰብሰብና የመለየት ተግባር እያከናወኑም እንደሆነም ነግረውናል።“ቆሻሻን በአግባቡ ጥቅም ላይ ካዋልነው ሃብት እንጂ ጉዳት የለውም” የሚሉት ወይዘሮ ብርቱካን ወረቀትና ፕላስቲኮችንም መልሶ በመጠቀም ሃብት ማመንጨት እንደሚቻል አረጋግጠዋል።

ህብረተሰቡም ይህን በቅጡ ተገንዝቦ ደረቅ ቆሻሻን በአግባቡ ማስወገድና ጥቅም ላይ ማዋል እንዳለበት አሳስበዋል።የ”ኢንቫይሮመንታል ፎረስት ቻሪተብል ሶሳይቲ″ መስራች አቶ ታምሩ ደገፋ ድርጅታቸው ከተመሰረተበት ጥቅምት ወር 2011 ዓ.ም በአካባቢ ጥበቃ ላይ የተለያዩ ስራዎችን በማከናወን ላይ መሆኑን ተናግረዋል።ከዚህም ውስጥ አንዱ ቆሻሻን እንደ ችግር ሳይሆን በአግባቡ ከተጠቀምንበት ወደ ሀብት የመቀየር ተግባር የሚል እሳቤ በመያዝ  የግንዛቤ ማስጨበጫ ስራዎችና ትምህርታዊ ጉዞዎችን እያካሄደ መሆኑንም ገልጸዋል።

የዚሁ እንቅስቃሴ አካል የሆነው የፅዳት ዘመቻም ቆሻሻን እንደ ሀብት በአግባቡ ከተገለገልንበት ለህዝቡ የገቢ ምንጭ መሆን እንደሚችል ለማስገንዘብ እንደተዘጋጀ ጠቅሰዋል።የማይበሰብሱ ቆሻሻዎች በተለይም በፕላሰቲክ ቤት የመስራት የሙከራ ስራ እንዳለና ይህም ተግባር ወደ ፊት በስፋት እንደሚቀጥል አመልክተዋል።ፅዳት የጽዳት ባለሙያዎችና የመንግስት ድርሻ ብቻ ሳይሆን የበጎ አድራጎት ድርጅቶችና የበጎ አድራጊ ሰዎችም ድርሻ ነው ያሉት አቶ ታምሩ መዲናዋ አረንጓዴና ንጹህ እንድትሆን የሁሉንም ጥረት ይጠይቃል ብለዋል።

የአዲስ አበባ ከተማ አስተዳደር የደረቅ ቆሻሻ አስተዳደር ኤጀንሲ ዋና ስራ አስኪያጅ ዶክተር እሸቱ ለማ መዲናዋ በእድገቷ ልክ የሚመነጨው ደረቅ ቆሻሻም እየጨመረ መጥቷል ብለዋል።በመሆኑም በአወጋገድና አጠቃቀም ላይ በትብብር መስራት ካልተቻለ ከሃብትነቱ ይልቅ ጉዳቱ ያመዝናል ነው ያሉት ስራ አስኪያጁ ኤጀንሲው የተቻለውን ሁሉ ጥረት በማድረግ ላይ መሆኑን ገልጸዋል።እንደ ዶክተር እሸቱ ገለፃ “እኔ አካባቢዬን አጸዳለሁ!! እናንተስ….?” በሚል መሪ ሃሳብ በቀድሞው ጠቅላይ ሚኒስትር ሃይለማርያም ደሳለኝ የተጀመረው የፅዳት ንቅናቄ ቀጣይነት እንዲኖረው ይደረጋል።ከመስቀል አደባባይ እስከ መገናኛ በተካሄደው የፅዳት ዘመቻ የተለያዩ የበጎ አድራጎት ድርጅቶች፣ ግለሰቦች የመንግስት ሃላፊዎችና የመዲናዋ ነዋሪዎች ተሳትፈዋል።



The Addis Ababa city administration on Thursday launched a project to convert river banks of the city into public parks and green spaces . The project is expected to take three years for completion.Speaking at the launching ceremony, Engineer Takele Uma, deputy mayor of Addis Ababa city, said the project, which was initiated by the Prime Minister, is for all Ethiopians and residents of Addis Ababa.





Source-APA News

በጠቅላይ ሚኒስትር ዶ/ር ዐብይ አህመድ አነሳሽነት በአዲስ አበባ ከተማ አስተዳደር “የወንዞች እና የወንዝ ዳርቻ አረንጓዴ መናፈሻ” ፕሮጀክት በይፋ ስራ የማስጀመር ስነ-ስርዓት ኢ/ር ታከለ_ኡማ፣ የፌደራልና የከተማ አስተዳደሩ ከፍተኛ አመራሮች፣ ዲፕሎማቶች፣ የሃይማኖት አባቶች እና የአዲስ አበባ ከተማ ወጣቶች በተገኙበት ተከናውኗል፡፡
የወንዝ ዳርቻ የልማት ፕሮጀክቱ የሚያተኩረው በአዲስ አበባ አቋርጠው በሚያልፉ ሁለት ታላላቅ ወንዞች ላይ ነው፡፡


እነዚህ ከእንጦጦ ተራራ እስከ አቃቂ ወንዝ የሚዘረጉ ወንዞች ህዝብ በብዛት የሚኖርባቸው የከተማዋ አከባቢዎችን አቋርጠው የሚያልፉ ሲሆን በቅደም ተከተል 23.8 ኪ.ሜ እና በ27.5 ኪ.ሜ ይረዝማሉ፡፡

ይህ ፕሮጀክት ሶስት ዋና ዋና ዓላማዎች አሉት ፦

1. ታሪካዊ ወንዞችን እና የወንዝ ዳርቻዎችን መልሶ በማልማት አዲስ አበባን የከተማ ቱሪዝም መዳረሻ ማድረግ

2. የጎርፍ መጥለቅለቅን በመቀነስና የህዝብ መናፈሻ ቦታዎችን ፣ የብስክሌት መንገዶችን እና የወንዝ ዳርቻ የእግር መንገዶችን በመፍጠር የከተማዋን ነዋሪዎች ደህንነት ማረጋገጥ፤

3. የአረንጓዴ ቦታዎች እና ተያያዥ አገልግሎት ዘርፎችን በማጠናከር የአገሪቷን የአረንጓዴ ኢኮኖሚ የመገንባት ህልም እውን ማድረግ ናቸው፡፡


የአዲስ አበባ የተፋሰስ ወንዞች ዳርቻ ፕሮጀክት ለአዲስ አበባ አረንጓዴ ልማት ፣ የተፈጥሮ ሃብቷን ለማሳደግ እና ለማስፋፋት የሚያስችል አስተዋፅዖ እንደሚኖረው ይታመናል፡፡

ፕሮጀክቱ የከተማዋ ነዋሪዎች ደህንነት በማሻሻልና የከተማዋን እይታ ይበልጥ በመለወጥ ረገድ ብዙ ሚና ከመጫወቱ በተጨማሪ፦

• የተለያዩ ታሪካዊና ተፈጥሯዊ መስህቦች እንዲሁም ለጎብኚዎች የእረፍት ጊዜ ማሳለፊያ ስፍራዎችን በማዘጋጀት የውጪ አገርና የአገር ውስጥ ጎብኚዎች ወደ አዲስ አበባ መሳብ፤

• በፕሮጀክቱ ወቅት ለከተማዋ ነዋሪ ተጨማሪ የስራ ዕድል መፍጠር፤

• በወንዞች ዳርቻ እና ህዝብ በሚንቀሳቀስባቸው ቦታዎች የአገልግሎት ዘርፉን በማበረታታት ካፌዎች ፣ ምግብ ቤቶች ፣ የከተማ አስጎብኚዎችና የመሳሰሉ አገልግሎቶችን ማመቻቸት፤

• የተፋሰስ ወንዞች ዳርቻ እና ፕሮጀክቱ ዳርቻ ያሉና ወደፊት የሚገነቡ የሪልስቴት ፕሮጀክቶችን የንብረት ባለቤትነት እድገት መጨመር፤

• የአረንጓዴ ሽፋንን በማሳደግ የአዲስ አበባን ገፅታ በመገንባት ከተማዋን እንደስሟ አዲስ አበባ ለማድረግ ያለመ ፕሮጀክት ሲሆን የቤተ-መንግስት አከባቢ የከተማ መናፈሻ የፕሮጀክቱ የመጀመሪያ ክፍል መሆኑ ይታወቃል፡፡
፨ በ3 ዓመታት ውስጥ የሚጠናቀቀው፣ 56 ኪ.ሜ የሚሸፍነው እና 29 ቢሊዮን ብር ውጪ ይደረግበታል ተብሎ የሚገመተው ይህ ግዙፍ ፕሮጀክት፦

•በ29 ቢሊዮን ብር ወጭ ይከናወናል፤ በሦስት ዓመታት እንደሚጠናቀቅ ይጠበቃል፡፡

•ከእንጦጦ ተራራ በጉለሌ በኩል አፍሪካ ህብረት እንዲሁም ከእንጦጦ በአፍንጮ በር በባንቢስ አድርጎ አቃቂ የውሃ ማጣሪያን ይሸፍናል(56 ኪሎ ሜትር)

•ድልድዮች፣ ሰው ሰራሽ ሐይቆች፣ አረንጓዴ ቦታዎች፣ የመዝናኛ ማዕከላት፣ የውኃ ትራንስፖርት እና የንግድ ማዕከላት ይገነቡበታል።

በተያያዘ መረጃ፦ በ50 ሄክታር ላይ ተግባራዊ የሚደረግ፣ 2.5 ቢሊዮን ብር ወጪ የሚደረግበት እና በ1 ዓመት ጊዜ ውስጥ የሚጠናቀቅ በተለምዶ ሸራተን ማስፋፊያ በሚባለው ቦታ ፓይለት ፕሮጀክት ይፋ ተደረጓል።

ምንጭ፦ @mayorofficeAA, ወ/ሮ መስከረም (የከንቲባው ቴክኒካል አማካሪ) ለTIKVAH-ETH,

The Addis Ababa Resilience project team led by Mr. Fitsumbrhan Tsegaye Beyene Chief Resilience officer of Addis Ababa Resilience project office met with His Excellency Dr. -Ing. Getahun Mekuria, Minister at Ministry of Innovation and Technology (MinT) on February 18, 2019 and the team explained to his Excellency Addis Ababa’s Resilience Journey.

His excellency Dr. -Ing. Getahun Mekuria, on the event said the city administration should be healed in having this type of initiative and the ministry is willing to work together and wish for the success of the project.

A depot that accommodates 850 buses is being built at the premises of the headquarters of the Anbessa City Bus Services Enterprise in Yeka district. The construction is expected to commence next May.Resting on 10ha of land and consisting of four-storey bus bays, it is expected to be able to maintain and inspect 50 buses and have washing bays that can serve 12 buses each at a time. It will also have a fuel station, dry cleaning and generator room, water reservoir with pump house, water recycling plant and wastewater treatment plant.

The administrative building rests on 3,500Sqm of land and comprises a dispatch facility at one wing and a business centre on the other to generate sustainable income for the bus depot. It has two basement parking floors for 120 vehicles at a time.The project is in the process of hiring a contractor, for which the Transport Programs Management Office of the City Road & Transport Bureau is carrying out a prequalification assessment before it floats a tender.

The detailed design of the project has already been completed by SYSTRA SA, a French consulting company with 27 years of experience. Negash Tamiru Zewde, in a joint venture with ENSIRAD Civil Engineering Solutions, conducted the environmental and social impact assessment.The Yeka bus depot is one of three such projects currently being undertaken in Addis Abeba. Two other bus depots located in Shegole and Qality are in the completion stage and will be operational in two months. The depots, which will be transferred to the management of the City Administration for use by all bus transport providers, cost the city 1.3 billion Br.

An additional depot at Mekanissa is expected to accommodate 450 buses and is in the design stage.Addis Abeba has 188 public service buses, 240 Sheger public buses, 86 Sheger student buses and 64 Alliance City Buses. The Anbessa City Bus Service, a 75-year-old transportation company that has 3,500 employees, has 366 buses, 270,000 commuters a day and 106 routes in Addis Abeba.Berhanu Zeleke (PhD), a lecturer at Kotebe Metropolitan University’s Urban Transport Management department for the past two decades, has an optimistic view of the outcomes of the bus depot projects.

However, he believes that the solutions should forecast the rapid dynamism of urbanisation and focus on other fast and cost-effective transportation systems that suit the city.“The planners should focus on the expansion of light railways and cable transportation systems,” said Berhanu. “They have low operating costs and serve more commuters with sustainable quality and speed.

Source -Fortune Newspaper

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