Resilient Addis in consultation with the PMO prepared and submitted a grant proposal to Hilton Foundation. Accordingly, the board of the Hilton Foundation has approved a grant in the amount of $1,600,000.00 to the city of Addis Ababa. The grant funds will be used over two years to strengthen the capacity of the city to provide quality early childhood development services and livelihood opportunities for residents, including refugees and IDPs.

C40 is accepting proposals to conduct Addis Ababa Building Energy Efficiency Code Project. Please share this RFP with colleagues, especially those based in Ethiopia. Proposals are due March 03, 2023.
This is a series of RFPs under C40’s African Cities for Clean Air program, designed with city staff to support air quality management and emissions reductions in five African Cities. Don’t miss this fantastic opportunity to join a project that will truly make a difference.
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A recent study Conducted in Addis Ababa found out that existing environmental policies, strategies, regulations, proclamations, laws, and implementations in the city were facing major challenges in terms of weak accountability, the poor enforcement of regulation, and the failure to involve key actors, especially NGOs, communities, and private sectors; these failures were characterized by weak institutional setup and a lack of formal systems allowing actors (private sectors, communities, and NGOs) to interact to respond to climate change. Hence, climate change governance was ineffective in terms of accountability, participation, law enforcement, equity, institutions, the role of actors, and partnership. Thus, the Addis Ababa City Environmental Protection and Green Development Commission should give more emphasis to the coordination of other actors (NGOs, communities, private sectors, and research institutions) to respond to climate change in the city. In addition, the commission should provide training to the lower layers of experts and mobilise the community for climate change response, particularly in the undertaking of adaptation measures. Furthermore, Addis Ababa City administrators should give due attention to climate change response through an established strong accountability system to enforce regulation, rules, proclamations, laws, policies, and strategies in different sectors.
(Source: Addis, T.L.; Birhanu, B.S.;Italemahu, T.Z. Effectiveness of Urban Climate Change Governance in Addis Ababa City, Ethiopia. Urban Sci. 2022, 6, 64.
Workshop on awareness creation has been conducted for the second time on the concepts of Resilience for stakeholders sector.
A crew from Mayors Migration Council has met all stakeholders implementing the GCF project in Addis
Ababa on 21.03.2022. The agendum was to discuss about the project’s implementation status, and to
decide the adequacy of the fund allocated for the proposed project. During the stakeholders’ meet, key
decision was made with regard to the implementation of the construction of septic tank and sewer lines.
In the decision process, the representatives from Addis Ababa Fire and Disaster Risk Management
Commission, the Addis Ababa Water and Sewer Authority and the Addis Ababa City Job Enterprise and
Industry Bureau have been participated. As a result, the implementation of the construction of septic
tank and sewer lines was waived since the budget was not sufficient. At the same time, the team has
jointly approved that the proposed fund be used only for the provision of clean water and for the
improvement of IDP’s livelihood initiatives. Moreover, the crew has visited the project site and held a
fruitful discussion with the community representatives and the IDP. The implementing institutions also
pledged to make all institutional arrangements to complete the project effectively and efficiently before
the end of the project life.