The Feasibility Assessment is the first step in a well-defined project cycle of designing, capacitating, and establishing a prospective Water Fund. It is a critical step in informing the key stakeholders whether to invest in the next steps of the process.
A Water Fund for the Addis Ababa City and key watersheds in the Oromia Region could play a key role in the water security challenges facing the area. A Water Fund could make a transformational contributions to Developing a shared and feasible vision of Water Security needs that creates cohesive water-related decision making, and Offering an attractive vehicle for pooling a multitude of resources to ensure the continuity of investment to protect and conserve water resources.
The Feasibility Phase has two primary objectives, firstly, to determine if a Water Fund is an appropriate and feasible mechanism to improve water security for the citizens of Addis Ababa, in partnership with Oromia Regional State. Next, is to recommend whether to proceed with the water fund design and other stages.
Based on this the Assessment Concluded that water fund is appropriate to solve water security in Addis and the designing and creation phase is on plan to start.