Prime Minister Abiy and President Sahilework, mingling with thousands of residents of Addis Ababa, were seen picking up litter outside the National Palace in the streets of the capital on Sunday.The initiative aims at creating clean, safe, healthy and economically sustained Ethiopia for generations to come.
Police officer, Emebet Derbe, stated that she and her colleagues are more than committed to pursue such initiative that would help the city clean and healthy.It is not only cleaning the country’s rubbish but also thinking of get rid of negative attitudes from within ourselves, she added.
Besides, it helps to bring all sorts of the society to a strong unison and solidify unity in different national matters, she added.Mentioning that police is part and parcel of the society, Emebet urged the public to work in similar caliber of unity to maintain peace and order as well as preventing crime.
Feven Gosaye, who is a resident of Addis Ababa, said the cleaning campaign is crucial as it came at the call of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed to keep clean the city and real public attitude towards hatred.“I would be glad to do this every day, cleaning our surrounding in the morning and going to our jobs with a clear conscious is the source of greater happiness and I would love to it,” she confirmed.
Bzuayehu Brhanu, another participant in the campaign pointed out that she took part in cleaning Ethiopia since it is a national call and benefits every citizen.She added that all the people in unison and sense of togetherness have come out of their homes and cleaned the surrounding.
Appreciating Prime Minister Abiy’s clean initiative campaign, she confirmed that the general public stands by his side in all aspects.