
Seminar on Climate-Smart Capital Investment Planning for Ethiopia’s Cities

Join Us for a Seminar on

Climate-Smart Capital Investment Planning for Ethiopia’s Cities

Monday, December 10, 2018

2:00p.m. – 4:00p.m. 

AACRPO Conference Room


Subject: Every year the cities of Ethiopia develop 3-year rolling Capital Investment Plans that bring together available funds with infrastructure projects and associated expansions in service that drive economic growth and improvements in quality of life. As cities grow their revenues and seek to expand their asset base, they face a crossroads between business-as-usual development with fossil fuels and opportunistic land use patterns, and efficient green, low carbon pathways of growth, with selections of sites and designs that are robust in the face of emerging climate hazards. Come see the presentation of a methodology currently being introduced to the cities of Ethiopia to integrate carbon zero and resilient strategies for investment with their well-established procedures, set to bring about life cycle efficiencies and greater assurance that the investments made will accrue their full value for their designed life.

About the presenter: Dr. Jan Whittington is Associate Professor of the Department of Urban Design and Planning, at the University of Washington, Seattle. Her research appliestransactioncost economic theory to networked infrastructures, such as transportation, water, and communications systems, to internalize factors historically treated as external to transactions. Her publications include methodologies for greenhouse gas mitigation and resilience through capital investment planning, examination of the efficiency of public-private contractual arrangements for infrastructure, and the evaluation of online transactions for efficiency, security, and privacy. At the University of Washington, she is the Director of the Urban Infrastructure Lab, Associate Director of the Center for Information Assurance and Cybersecurity, and Affiliate Faculty at the Tech Policy Lab. She teaches infrastructure planning and finance, public finance, infrastructure mega-projects, science for environmental policy, planning for water, and land use planning. Her PhD (2008) is in City and Regional Planning from the University of California, Berkeley, where she was advised by economic Nobel laureate Oliver Williamson. Prior to her academic career, she spent 10 years with infrastructure giant Bechtel Corporation, as a strategic planner and environmental scientist. She holds bachelor’s degrees in biology and Environmental Studies from the University of California, Santa Cruz (1987). Her master’s degree is in City and Regional Planning, from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo (1993).

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