Central to the work of the Addis Ababa Resilience Project Office (AARPO) is developing a robust Resilience Strategy. This holistic roadmap reflects the priorities of stakeholders from all across our city – advancing innovative approaches to solve our most urgent challenges and make our communities stronger. The work is being done in two phases, and we are currently in the first:
- Phase 1: Establish the foundation for building resilience. We will conduct a holistic assessment of Addis Ababa’s current resilience, while engaging and empowering stakeholders and experts.
- Phase 2: Identify opportunities for partnership and explore innovative solutions in priority areas. We will develop and release a Resilience Strategy that articulates our city’s resilience goals and initiatives.
This week, our team is evaluating findings from over a month of engaging with households, NGOs, academia, the private sector, and representatives of city and federal government. A door-to-door campaign yielded input and perceptions from 5392 residents on how to build a resilient Addis Ababa. An additional 14 workshops and interviews with key stakeholder groups provided further insight into our most important problems and how to best tackle them.
The data gathered from this process will feed directly into a Preliminary Resilience Assessment for Addis Ababa, a robust analysis of one-time shock events as well as stresses that weaken the urban fabric on a day to day or cyclical basis.Once finalized, the concepts presented in the Assessment will be further explored, vetted with existing citywide plans, and shaped into an actionable vision for our city’s future. We invite you to join our team as we continue on this journey!